About Me

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Hello dear readers my name is Stuart Roberts, middle name iain so SIR to all you out there ;) i'm doing this blog for weblogs in my NQ Computing course and as you can see tiz about my character in WoW which i really need to play more ^^'... anyway all views appreciated, ty! :D so far i have made 5 posts so far all i've done to make my blog is choose the colour scheme ooo and add a game but that's easily done :D if you don't know how look again carefully ;)

Thursday, 15 January 2009

sorry for not updating as much as i said i would ppl but c'mon it's not been that long ;) anyway the new update i'm now lvl 20 AND i can DUEL-WIELD!!! oh aye XD tiz quality :D remember ppl ask questions or give me tips anytime you want but if someone tells me to get enit's quenched sword i will kill you :D bye :)

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